
School fees

The fees question always comes up.

And it is a valid one. You’re investing in your child’s future, so you want to make sure you are seeing them thrive.
Kristin is a leading institution, a school with superb facilities and courses, and specialist pastoral care. That is why we attract overseas families too, looking for a quality education and experience for their children.
2025 Schedule of fees

Enrolment and Entrance Costs

All amounts include GST

  6 Months - 3 Years 3 years and above without 20 hours ECE 3 years and above with 20 hours ECE
Extended day / 7:30am-5:30pm $142/day $142/day 3 days/week $305
4 days/week $430
5 days/week $575
Full day / 8:00am-4:00pm $122/day $122/day 3 days/week $242
4 days/week $346
5 days/week $468
Part-time / 7:30am-12:00pm (for children under 2 years only) $85/day *Please note that credit card payments will incur a 1.4% surcharge
Enrolment Fee and Bond

There are no fees charged for application to Little Doves, but a non-refundable enrolment fee of $200 is payable on enrolment. In addition, a bond of $500 is payable at enrolment.


This bond will be refunded when your child leaves Little Doves provided appropriate notice has been given and all accounts have been paid. Fees are payable weekly in arrears. Late payment may incur a penalty. Please be aware that fees are reviewed annually.

Kristin Kindergarten Fees 2025

Consolidated Fees

All amounts include GST

With 20 hours ECE funding
Full day /8:00am-4:00pm Term Month
Tuition Fee $5,280 $2,112
Activity Fee $86.25 $34.50
Total $5,366.25 $2,146.50
Without 20 hours ECE funding
Full day /8:00am-4:00pm Term Month
Tuition Fee $6,865 $2,746
Activity Fee $86.25 $34.50
Total $6,951.25 $2,780.50
Additional Fees

Entrance Fee

The Entrance Fee is required as confirmation of acceptance of an offer of a place. This fee is non-refundable.


Kristin Education Bond

A non-interest bearing bond will be payable upon acceptance at Kristin Kindergarten. This will be repaid after the student leaves Kristin Kindergarten, provided the appropriate notice has been given and all accounts are paid, or, if you prefer, can be credited to your account if your child continues on to Kristin School.


Development Contribution (annual fee per child)


Kristin Alumni Association Fee

This one-off payment covers lifetime membership to the Kristin Alumni Association. This fee is non-refundable.



Kristin Kindergarten students wear a Kindergarten uniform. New uniforms can be purchased from the Retail Shop, and second-hand items are available at our regular KFF second-hand uniform sales. Details of uniform requirements can be found here >>

Bus Fares

These are dependent on use and distance from Kristin. Details of routes and fares can be found here >> Concession cards are available by emailing the Retail Shop for casual users.
Payment Options
Direct Debit Over 10 Months
Due 20th of the month from February to November.
Direct Debit Termly Instalments
Four equal instalments due on 20 February, 20 April, 20 July and 20 October.
All amounts include GST
Domestic Student Fees 2025

Enrolment and Entrance Costs

All amounts include GST

Application Fee
Payable at the time of submitting your application to cover administrative costs. This fee is non-refundable.


Entrance Fee
The Entrance Fee is required as confirmation of acceptance of an offer of a place. This fee is non-refundable.


Kristin Education Bond
A non-interest bearing bond will be payable upon acceptance at Kristin. This will be repaid after the student leaves Kristin, provided the appropriate notice has been given and all accounts are paid.


Annual Tuition Fees
Junior School (Years 0-6)


Middle School (Years 7-10)


Senior School (Years 11-13)


Sibling Discount
A discount of 10% off tuition fees only, is given to the third sibling of families attending Kristin Junior-Senior School (excluding Little Doves Early Learning Centre and Kindergarten). This discount increases to 15% for the fourth and subsequent siblings attending Kristin.
Additional Fees
Activity Fee
This fee covers all field trips associated with delivering the curriculum and varies across year levels.

up to $670

Development Contribution (annual fee per child)


Bus Fares

These are dependent on use and distance from Kristin. Details of routes and fares can be found here.

Concession cards are available by emailing the Retail Shop for casual users.

Digital Learning Programme
Year 4 and 5 students will lease an iPad package from Kristin. The iPad will be managed and owned by Kristin until the student finishes Junior School, at which point ownership will be transferred to the family. Estimated cost $1,600, based on current prices.
Year 6 students bring your own iPad 128GB recommended (no iPad mini please, all apps are published on the Kristin Portal and are self-install).
Years 7-10 bring your own laptop (majority of software is free or curriculum software).
Years 11-13 bring your own laptop (majority of software is free or curriculum software).
Kristin Alumni Association Fee
This one-off payment covers lifetime membership to the Kristin Alumni Association. This fee is non-refundable.


New students can expect to pay approximately $1,100 to obtain the full Kristin uniform. Second hand items are available through the KFF second hand uniform sales which can reduce this cost. Details of uniform requirements can be found here.
Other Costs
Additional costs are charged to the school account for incidental items such as co-curricular activities, outdoor education (camp) and IB Diploma exam fees. These costs are communicated to families before being charged to a school account.
Payment Options
Direct Debit Over 10 Months
Due 20th of the month from February to November.
Direct Debit Termly Instalments
Four equal instalments due on 20 February, 20 April, 20 July and 20 October.
Single Payment

1% discount on the annual tuition fees when paid in full for the 2025 school year by the end of the first week in December. To arrange this, please email

Credit Card Payment
Credit card, Alipay or WeChat payment options will incur a 1.4% bank fee surcharge.
All amounts include GST
International Student Fees 2025

Enrolment and Entrance Costs

All amounts include GST

Application Fee
Payable at the time of submitting your application to cover administrative costs. This fee is non-refundable.


Entrance Fee
The Entrance Fee is required as confirmation of acceptance of an offer of a place. This fee is non-refundable.


Kristin Education Bond
A non-interest bearing bond will be payable upon acceptance at Kristin. This will be repaid after the student leaves Kristin, provided the appropriate notice has been given and all accounts are paid.


Annual Tuition Fees
Junior School (Years 0-6)


Middle School (Years 7-10)


Senior School (Years 11-13)


Sibling Discount
A discount of 10% off tuition fees only, is given to the third sibling of families attending Kristin Junior-Senior School (excluding Little Doves Early Learning Centre and Kindergarten). This discount increases to 15% for the fourth and subsequent siblings attending Kristin.
Additional Fees
Activity Fee
This fee covers all field trips associated with delivering the curriculum and varies across year levels.

up to $670

Development Contribution (annual fee per child)


Homestay accommodation
English Acquisition Lessons (if required)

$400 per week         

$1,850 per term

Medical Insurance

Refer to ‘Travel and Health Insurance’ Guidelines

approx $650p.a

Bus Fares

These are dependent on use and distance from Kristin. Details of routes and fares can be found here.

Concession cards are available by emailing the Retail Shop for casual users.

Digital Learning Programme
Year 4 and 5 students will lease an iPad package from Kristin. The iPad will be managed and owned by Kristin until the student finishes Junior School, at which point ownership will be transferred to the family. Estimated cost $1,600, based on current prices.
Year 6 students bring your own iPad 128GB recommended (no iPad mini please, all apps are published on the Kristin Portal and are self-install).
Years 7-10 bring your own laptop (majority of software is free or curriculum software).
Years 11-13 bring your own laptop (majority of software is free or curriculum software).
Kristin Alumni Association Fee
This $500 one-off payment covers lifetime membership to the Kristin Alumni Association. This fee is non-refundable.
New students can expect to pay approximately $1,100 to obtain the full Kristin uniform. Second hand items are available through
the KFF second hand uniform sales which can reduce this cost. Details of uniform requirements can be found here
Other Costs

Additional costs are charged to the school account for incidental items such as co-curricular activities, outdoor education (camp) and IB Diploma exam fees. These costs are communicated to families before being charged to a school account.


The following fees are required to be paid in full by Friday 10 November 2024:

  • Tuition fee for the whole year
  • Homestay for the whole year
  • Alumni Fee (entry year only)
  • Activity and Development Contribution and Medical Insurance for the whole year.


This will provide adequate time for the issue/renewal of Student Visas by the New Zealand Immigration Service. Student Visas must be presented to the Admissions Manager before International students can begin their studies at Kristin School.


Please note that the fees are not refundable within the first 12 months for international students who wish to transfer to domestic fees as a result of gaining permanent residence or a work permit during that period. In subsequent years of enrolment, both notice and evidence of the change of status must be sent to the Executive Principal a full term in advance before a change of fees can be granted to apply to the subsequent term.


Tuition Fee Protection: The Board has in place a policy which holds all pre-paid tuition fees in a reserve. At the beginning of each term, a quarter of the pre-paid tuition fees are transferred from the reserve to the school’s income account. This policy enables the pre-paid portion of the fees to be readily identified at any time.

All amounts include GST
All amounts include GST